The Holy Grail : John Rambo Blu-ray SteelBook

The Holy Grail of Blu-ray SteelBooks … Nope, not the Indy! Haha. Instead many consider it to be the John Rambo Blu-ray SteelBook. A german release that was limited to (No longer available) 😉
This release came with a tattoo as well. So why is this such the treasure? Well, its been speculated that it was limited to 2,000 copies but there is a possibility that the number may have been infact 8,000. (As that is the # quoted for minimum SB orders off of However I do believe if you pay more you can have less copies produced. In any case, the actual # shall remain a mystery or just hear say although I was kind of thinking about contacting but that may be a little bit too much personal business information they dont feel to share. :-p On a side note, probably the 2nd most sought after Blu-ray SteelBook is Star Wars: Clone Wars.
If your looking to purchase this Rambo Blu-ray Steelbook then your best bet is a reputable auction site. Even then they are hard to come by and find, good luck. Price tags in the range of 200-500 Euros can be expected as well. Youch!
Title: John Rambo
Type: BD25
Studio: Warner Bros
Release Date: 27/06/2008
Country: Germany
Region: B (Confirmed. Locked)
Video: VC-1
Audio: DTS HD MA 5.1 (16-bit)
Subtitles: German
Bonuses: Making Of, Trailer
One Comment
- Blu-ray SteelBook Collector Spotlight Interview | - [...] What are the top 3 holy grails to obtain in regards to blu-ray steelbooks in your opinion? John Rambo…
jesus, who the hell is paying that kinda cash for a blu-ray, hahaha. I thought 32 Canadian bucks was rediculous.