Highlander Announced for Blu-ray SteelBook!
Looks like the classic film Highlander will be making a Blu-ray SteelBook appearance. It is scheduled to release June 19th in Germany and currently running in at 22.99 euros. The film stars Sean Connery and Christopher Lambert.
Already claiming to have English subtitles and audio is a great addition! Perhaps region free?

Highlander 1 Steelbook [Blu-ray]
Special features listed below.
Approx. 222 Minuten Extras 222 minutes Extras
Making of ‘Eine Legende wird geboren’ Making of ‘A legend is born’
‘Der visuelle Stil’ ‘The visual style’
‘Eine starke Frau’ ‘Strong woman’
Interview mit Christopher Lambert Interview with Christopher Lambert
Audiokommentar mit Regisseur Russell Mulcahy Audio commentary with director Russell Mulcahy
Deleted Scenes Deleted Scenes
BD-Live BD-Live
Trailer Trailer
Auflösung: 1080/24p Full HD Resolution: Full HD 1080/24p
Ton: Deutsch (5.1 DTS-HD Master Audio) Audio: German (5.1 DTS-HD Master Audio)
Englisch (2.0 Surround DTS-HD Master Audio, 5.1 DTS-HD Master Audio) English (2.0 Surround DTS-HD Master Audio, 5.1 DTS-HD Master Audio)
Brasilianisches Portugisisch (2.0 DTS-HD Master Audio) Brazilian Portuguese (2.0 DTS-HD Master Audio)
Italienisch (2.0 Surround DTS-HD Master Audio) Italian (2.0 Surround DTS-HD Master Audio)
Spanisch (2.0 Mono DTS-HD Master Audio) Spanish (2.0 Mono DTS-HD Master Audio)