Lord of the Rings Trilogy Gets Blu-ray SteelBook Release

Long ago we reported that the Lord of the Rings Trilogy would be getting individual SteelBook releases and although some of that news may be out of context now like the original supposed release date in November, the fact still remains that they ARE coming to Blu-ray disc! You can take one look at these steels and see the sheer beauty of these. These will be collectibles for sure, although their is confirmation that Canada will be releasing LOTR Trilogy in some fashion and strong rumor that the states will as well but not in the same aspect as Canada. (dealing with case issues)
These are set to release on April 6th, pre-order info posted below.
Lord of the Rings (Steelbook) [Blu-ray]
Lord of the Rings – The Return of the King (Steelbook) [Blu-ray]
Lord of the Rings – The Two Towers(Steelbook) [Blu-ray]
O M G! You have to help me get them.
Not the extended version, I don't care. Those are the ones that should be Steelbook, not the theatrical ones.