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In Depth Look at 2012 FutureShop Blu-ray SteelBook

2012 has made its way to Blu-ray disc format and like most blockbuster films releasing these days somewhere some country will put it in steelbook fashion. In this case, many countries have jumped on board with this release. (This is starting to become a popular trend!) Amongst the many countries is Canada and their giant retailer Future Shop. Below is an in depth look at the 2012 SteelBook release.
Pics were provided from SteelBook Collector “Marlowe” via our Contact Form/Submit News page. (Thanks!)
1080p Screenshots provided from BRC.

Nice Embossing and Debossing 🙂

Paper Backing

The Back of the Steel

2012 SteelBook Inside

SteelBook Spine
Looks sweet, nice and simple.
Looks very nice, but damn the movie was horrible lol
I want one!