Three Steelbook Titles Coming to France

I am sure this all over the net by now so pardon me for taking so long to post, personal problems and obligations have affected my time to come to post on the site. Anyway, let’s get back to business. There are three titles scheduled to be released in Steelbook form in France; Shutter Island on June 24th; Ninja Assassin on July 16th; Le Choc des Titans (Clash of the Titans) on August 18th. Check below for the artwork available at the moment.
Ninja Assassin
Release Date: July 6th
Price: EUR 23,99
Le Choc des Titans (Clash of the Titans)
Release Date: August 18th
Price:EUR 23,99
*No artwork available at the moment
Shutter Island
Release Date: June 24th
Price: EUR 24,99
Click on the artwork to enlarge the images
So cool! I like to see cool movies that have SteelBook treatment! Really LOVE Ninja Assassin…
Shutter Island is a must:)
You will have to be careful about the Clash of the Titan's SteelBook. The last Ultimate Edition released in France (Sherlock Holmes) ended up being a DVD-Sized book.
Best to wait
Thanks for the information!