Futureshop Announces Two More Possible Steelbooks

Take it with a grain of salt, seeing how Brana’s last unofficial confirmation ended up not being a reality, we’ll just leave it as a possible Steelbook. Brana has announced Angelina Jolie’s Salt and Family Guy’s It’s A Trap for Blu-ray Steelbook. You can check out the posts here and here.
Seeing as Fox has a strict no exclusive release policy, is important to support the few Fox titles in order to get more, just like Brana mentions in the post below.
Brana’s quote:
This one is important for us as it’s the first Steelbook we’ve been able to do in ages since Fox has had a no exclusive hence no steelbook policy. If this one is a success we might be able to see more Fox Steelbooks in the future. I mean like Alien singles ….
*Picture taken from StarWars.com
I completely forgot to let you know to note that the Family Guy Steelbook is going to be a DVD Steelbook. Sorry. :p
You missed an important part about the post:
As this is a TV show it will be on the DVD version. There is a Bluray version for this but we had to decide which way would likely be more successful for a TV show and right now DVD is much larger for that segment.
This will be a DVD SteelBook unless somethng changes.
Yes, I did. Thanks for the reminders 😀
Would love both of them! Especially Family Guy…
Darn, I only love the blu-ray steelbook size. Can't fir DVD steelbooks on my Blu-ray shelf. Blu-ray won, so what's the hold up with these companies anyways?
Hey DJobitwan… They are still cool to collect even if they are dvd steelbooks!