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Futureshop Not Releasing Disney Steelbooks in 2010

Futureshop Not Releasing Disney Steelbooks in 2010

In what came to be an unexpected change of events, when everyone was getting ready to receive good news regarding future Disney Steelbooks from Futureshop, things just took a different route. Today Brana, Futureshop’s Product Buyer, announced that Disney did not allow their future releases in 2010 to be released in Steelbook form, but in Ironpaks instead. This comes completely unexpected since the last 12 Weeks of Disney was very successful. Anyway, check below for the statement.

This has really been a year in flux with massive changes on the studios side on their willingness to do Steelbooks, how much of international gets involved and what it takes to make a Steelbook happen. Disney has unfortunately decided corporately against Steelbook this year. I can’t even give a real explanation to be honest with you. At some point you get angry and it all sounds like excuses. The best way I can describe it is the U.S. got involved to help push exclusive packaging as well and so we can take advantage of economies of scale. In dong so, senior people became involved with Steelbook that were not before, legal teams threw their four cents in, and next thing you know there is no Steelbook program period. Even with all the success we had last year and the excitement you guys all showed for it we just couldn’t make it happen. A massive fail.

To make things worse, what was approved was an Ironpak promotion which had made it’s way through all the pipelines so far that once this was presented to us and we knew what was up, we had no room to move. The choice we were given was either we take the Ironpaks or you have nothing for these titles. It was a tough decision but at the end of the day I looked at it from the standpoint that as much as I want these on Steelbook and there are many people on here as well, I’d rather these exist in some sort of collectible packaging than not at all. Let the customer have the decision if they want them or not. So that’s where things are at. Disney Canada does realize this is a massive fail and understand we need to get back to Steelbook so those are the discussions that are ongoing now. Again I cannot promise anything but we are working towards Tron 2.

The Ironpaks that are coming out are labelled as Disney Collectible packaging. These are the titles that are coming:

Prince Of Persia – Sep 14th
Beauty & The Beast – Oct 5
Toy Story 1 – October
Toy Story 2 – October
Toy Story 3 – Nov 2
Princess & The Frog – November
Alice in Wonderland – November/December


Something is better than nothing for the consumer, I applaud the ability to still provide the customer with a choice. Anyway, while some may look at this as a negative, others may find it a positive so to each its own. Can’t blame Brana for not trying.


  1. As a big collector of steelbooks & Ironpacks, I am glad we are getting something collectable. I am sure Disney will have terrific packaging, they always do, even there regular case blu rays feature great artwork inside & out! Really, if they fit on your shelf, that is all that matters!! Nothing is exactly the same!

  2. Well, I'm pretty sure then some other region will get the Toy Story Steels and we'll be satisfied then. But lucky Canucks! What about the states? Will Best Buy also get thos IronPacks?


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