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Resident Evil Steelbooks at Futureshop!

Out of nowhere a worker at Futureshop began alerting everyone about the Resident Evil movies receiving a Steelbook treatment in Canada. All four films will be available Friday August 27 in store, although I am receiving reports that customers are walking in and asking for them and buying them now. Resident Evil, Resident Evil:Apocalypse, Resident Evil: Extinction, and Resident Evil: Degeneration are all separate Steelbooks.
Click on the image to enlarge
*Thanks to fan-of-gaming @ Futureshop forums
One Comment
- Notícias da Semana nº33 | Blog do Jotacê - [...] Fonte: [...]
These steelbooks already exist in the US, they're Wal-Mart exclusives. I've got them (except degeneration) and they're all region free (apocalypse is region A, but I've had region A blu-rays that work on my region B PS3).