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Resident Evil Steelbooks at Walmart!!

I’ve been so busy that I haven’t been able to stay on top of news lately. Anyway, here’s today’s heads up, the same Resident Evil Steelbooks that were released at Futureshop (see August 26) will be available TODAY at your local Walmart. Word is that there’s sufficient copies available throughout the US so if you are looking for these titles you can now go and get them at Walmart. They are identical to the ones sold at Futureshop.
*Thanks to Steelbookhunters for the info
Finally can get a great series in the usa!
I did a search at and it shows nothing of these being available.
They are available at Walmart. I was just there about an hour ago and was able to pick up a set.
wayyy too much sticky adhesive on these. If you keep these sealed, they'll be damaged one day.
I opened mine and even 1 of them ripped paint off it. sucks.
@ John. You should use Goo Gone. It works wonders for stickers.
I just picked up a set today at my local Walmart as well. Each was $15 ($60+ tax for all 4). There was varying levels of glue on each of the 4 I bought but if you go slowly and roll the glue off using your thumb you can avoid pulling any paint off the book itself. The extra disc is the same in all 4 movies. Its awesome but I was hoping for something more tailored to each movie itself. Plus the extra disc is DVD and not HD/Blu-Ray. Overall the packaging is worth the purchase and will make the set increase in value. Now let's cross our fingers that Walmart supports a steelbook edition for Afterlife when it hits home video in a few months.
I bought them for $7.99 each. They were in the bargin bin.
How you like them apples