In depth Look: Gangs of New York Blu-ray Steelbook

We first reported about this when a Gangs of New York blu-ray steelbook place holder went up at Yesterday this title released and our good friend Marlowe was there to take pictures of this beauty of a steelbook. He noted that this title can be bought from HMV, London Drugs, FutureShop and most likely as well.
Security tags are inside the case, so that rules out the possibility of a dent from those. So thats good. 🙂 See Security Tags equal dented Steels article. Incase you are wondering what we are talking about. Also, the paper backing is that of a thicker paper than most futureshop releases so that could definitely help in preventing a dent on the back of the steel when mailed.
Gangs of New York Product Page [Blu-ray]
Pictures of the Gangs of New York Alliance Blu-ray steelbook can be found below. If you click on the gallery pics twice then you will reach the full scale image. Enjoy!
This is the Remastered Disc with all the Film Grain intact and without the Edge Enhancement and Halos Right?
We've been wondering the same thing, let me send a few emails see if we can find out that information.
Confirmed, this is the remastered edition.
Great film and beautiful steelbook!!
Yes remastered. Great Quality yet! Compared to the first mastering 2 thumbs up. We suggest to go down with details on tv set up. Very bright movie! & quality of this steel is very near perfection though alliance use not so many colours like it can be on another label frelease For example all french release of kill bill or any uk press. Alliance is goin to take the same direction of many german release with poor colours prints.