Hot Deal Alert: District 9 and Robin Hood/Gladiator

With the new launch of the Italian Amazon comes more opportunity to get steelbooks with great customer service. Well, that is if Italy Customer Service ranks up there with other foreign Amazon sites. Don’t get too excited just yet as no clue if they will be pushing out the familiar Italian steels. However, they do happen to have many German Steels on their site and one Italian. So that does seem to be a good sign for the future.
The District 9 German steel is 11.22 Euros Here – District 9 German Steelbook and Gladiator/Robin Hood is coming in at 29.99 Euros. Not a bad price for both movies, and its available to be ordered from amazon! Here – Robin Hood/Gladiator Blu-ray SteelBook
On the German site District 9 is 23.99 so the price difference is huge. Whether it ships from Germany or Italy is yet to be known.
I want the Robinhood one and Gladiator…
I got the Robin Hood/Gladiator coming my way 🙂