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Twilight Eclipse Blu-ray SteelBook Best Buy Bound

Our Forums first posted about an exclusive edition of Twilight Eclipse listed on coming in at the same price point as many steelbooks. As speculated, the edition is of a blu-ray steelbook that matches last year’s New Moon. So yeah, DVD size it is. Those who bought last year’s New Moon will be delighted in the sense that the case will match up in size. However, for those who dont care for the dvd sized version then you can look to either Spain (single release) or the UK (triple saga release) for different versions.
Related Links:
The Twilight Saga Triple Limited Edition Steelbook (3 Disc) [Blu-ray]
This is preposterous. DVD sized. They want Blu-ray's to take over, but giving out the crappy DVD sized for Blu-ray. I hope Futureshop releases a single one like they did for New Moon and Twilight. My shelves only support blu-ray sized ones and I hate to have a set incomplete.
Wake up DJObiTwan7! Don't be a baby! SteelBook are cool either way and I know you have space for your shelfs!
Very cool! I want both!