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Merry Christmas and Happy Holidays to All!

Just wanted to take the time out to wish everyone a Merry Christmas or Happy Hanukkah to all. If you don’t celebrate either of those, then whatever it is you do celebrate at this time of the year; if anything … I hope its with joy! 🙂
If you score some steelbooks for Christmas, be sure to post a comment and let us know what you got! 🙂
Have a safe weekend folks.
Wow I got Salt, Inception & The Expendables! I wanted The Town but I'm working on it! All GREAT SteelBooks!
I picked up Scott Pilgrim, Inception, Salt, The Wolfman, and Toy Story 3 – Merry Christmas indeed!!
I got Invictus FNAC and ordered IP Man 🙂
Well I did get The Town and NOW I hope new releases will come out really soon! Gonna get Goodfellas, Heat & Batman Begins all on Blu-Ray SteelBook!