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Up Close: The Town Blu-ray SteelBook

One of my favorite movies from 2010 is The Town. I knew somewhere a steelbook would be released, and figure for more when its all said and done. However, the first to be announced and released is that of the Future Shop’s Canadian Blu-ray steelbook version. Packed in a nice G2 BD sized case The Town has great artwork. Thanks to MMM (My Man Marlowe) we have some nice up close shots at high res for you. My copy is in route, is yours!?
I can't believe this steelbook is exclusive to Canada..unfortunately Futureshop doesn't ship to the states. I guess I have to try ebay…
Awesome movie! Hope other countries get this release too.
Awesome movie, cant stress it enough 🙂
I want this sooooo bad!!!!
I just put one for sale on