The Wizard of Oz Blu-ray SteelBook Review

We’re proud to bring to you the review of the Canadian Wizard of Oz Blu-ray SteelBook from Warner Bros. This edition has been fully tested and reviewed for all the things we SteelBook lovers look for when it comes to making decisions in regards to purchasing SteelBooks. The info on this release can be found below with a video and pictures as well.
The disc is the same from the Target Edition or Ultimate Collector’s box minus the 2nd (and/or 3rd) disc. This disc even has printed on it “Disc One” for the disc art. It has an INSANE amount of special features on this disc so you really shouldnt feel cheated in the least bit. If you are a hardcore Wizard of Oz fan, then you should already own the Ultimate Collector’s Box and Target Exclusive anyways. So for everyone else, the content on this disc for this SteelBook edition is much more than we are used to getting in regards to SteelBook releases.
Purchase the Wizard of Oz: Limited Edition Steel Book [Blu-ray]
This disc has been tested and is region free. (A-B-C) While the back paper of the steelbook showcases some audio tracks and subtitles, the full tested findings can be found listed below.
Audio Language Tracks:
English Dolby TrueHD 5.1
English DD
French 1.0 DD
Spanish 1.0 DD
Castellano 1.0 DD
Dutch 1.0 DD
Portugues 1.0 DD
Italiano 1.0 DD
English (hearing impaired)
Dutch (hearing impaired)
Italiano per non udenti
Dansk, Suomi, Norsk, Svenska, & Chinese
Love the cover art, so unique!
I agree, I wasn't expecting anything like this when they announced this wave.
It's a beautiful steelbook and for fortune have the Italian audio 😉
Sweet, lovin it.
I love this cover..pop art cover!!!
Good job on the back side artwork!
Awesome! And with Dutch subs as well 😀
another great steelbook!
fantastic steelbook!
*shoulda used my used ID the firs time*
Beautiful colors
Truly one of the best looking steelbooks to be released so far this year. I hear the movie is pretty good too…I might have to check it out 😉
I love the inside Artwork! This WB wave came out really great!
Great Steelbook!
What is the title of the song? 🙂
This is the one I'm looking forward to the most!
I used to watch this movie over and over as a kid, can't wait to get this beauty.
Haven't even seen this movie before, hope to some day…
GrEaT ArTwOrK ! A ClAsSiC OnE…
thanks for all of the great info, it looks beautiful
The cover photos are creepy as hell.