Hurt Locker Blu-ray Steelbook – UK just put up a Hurt Locker Steelbook set for release on February 27th, 2012 at the cost of £13.99. No word yet on cover art (artwork on the page is very preliminary currently) or Steelbook size; we will have these details up as soon as possible. This is great news for those who missed out on the previous Korean G2 Blu-ray Steelbook release or the American G1 Best Buy exclusive release. Please stay tuned.
FYI: As of today, Nov. 27th this title is not suspected to be a stickered version. Of course that could change between now and release. However as of right now this is set to be a regular blu-ray steelbook.
UPDATE: A more finalized version of the Steelbook has been posted. The front cover’s art is similar to the Korean version but the figure is slightly larger and the text appears to be on a the paper cover for the Steelbook instead of being printed on the Steelbook itself. The back cover and inner cover art are different from the Korean release, and this release will also include art cards. No word on the region coding yet though. This Steelbook now looks very nice and at a very reasonable price too. I am glad that this is different from the Korean release; I am tempted to double dip just for the art cards. Below are images of the back cover along with the full package’s content.
Don't forget to check out the Mexican Steelbook as well. Completely different artwork but for those who don't like them this is also a G1.