A Trip to the Moon Blu-ray Steelbook – United States

I recently watched Hugo in theatre so I was instantly drawn to the thread in our official forums on the announcement of A Trip to the Moon Blu-ray Steelbook for the United States by Flicker Alley. This Georges Méliès film will be released as a limited edition Steelbook consisting of one BD and one DVD, and retail for $29.96 USD. It is currently scheduled to be released on March 27,2012 and can be purchased via this link: http://www.flickeralley.com/fat_trip_01.html
This is an American exclusive but the retailer’s site appears to ship internationally as well, so good news for international collectors.
The Steelbook has been confirmed to be G2 sized and just updated above is the final cover art. We have also just received word that this edition will be limited to 4000.
Below is the product description taken directly from the retailer’s site:
WINNER! 2011 National Society of Film Critics – “Best Film Restoration” Award
Flicker Alley is pleased to bring the original hand-painted color version of Georges Méliès’ masterpiece, A Trip to the Moon (1902), to home video 110 years after its first release.
Georges Méliès, one of the celebrated heroes of Martin Scorsese’s new movie Hugo, was a master of cinematic invention and enchantment.
Packaged in a limited-edition, SteelBook case, A Trip to the Moon also features The Extraordinary Voyage, a fascinating documentary directed by Serge Bromberg and Eric Lange about the life of Georges Méliès and the magic of film history and preservation.
I am very happy for this release even though I cannot say I am one who particularly appreciates classic cinema (beyond 1950s). Here’s hoping for more unique classic cinema releases such as this in the future as they make for a unique piece in any film / Steelbook enthusiast’s collection.
Read more in our official forum thread.