Prototype 2 Steelbook – Canada

Future Shop in Canada will be offering the exclusive Prototype 2 Steelbook for those who pre-order the game at the retailer. It will come in two sizes, G1 (Xbox 360 and PC) and G2 (PS3). The game is scheduled to come out on April 24, 2012 currently, and the Steelbook will ship with the game at that time. You can also pre-order the game in-stores and pickup the Steelbook along with the game (assuming this release works the same as all the previous releases).
Below are the URLs for each respective version of the game and Steelbooks (do not order the Steelbook alone, it comes free when you order the game):
Prototype 2 (PS3) (comes with G2 Steelbook) – $59.99
Prototype 2 (360) (comes with G1 Steelbook) – $59.99
Prototype 2 (PC) (comes with G1 Steelbook) – $59.99
Visit our official thread for the latest update.
Again, the US get nothing.