Update on the Diablo 3 Steelbook for Canada

I posted the news story a few weeks ago, but Future Shop has finally put up the Diablo 3 Steelbook for pre-order online! This now appears to only come with the regular edition of the game as the promotion specifically states, “Pre-order Diablo 3 Regular Edition now at Future Shop and receive a Limited Edition Diablo 3 Steelbook. Offer valid from April 18 to May 15, 2012”, on the order page. There is a $5 off promotion right now for pre-orders at Future Shop so it will cost $54.99 CAD (exchange rate with USD is pretty even right now) for the regular edition with the Steelbook if you pre-order now. The Steelbook promotion should also be available for in-store pre-orders, so please check your local Future Shops for details, but the $5 off promotion is an online exclusive. Please remember that Future Shop only ships within Canada at the moment, so those outside of Canada will need to find another way to get your hands on this Steelbook. We have some helpful members on our forums who may be able to assist you in obtaining this item. Once again, the Steelbook will be releasing with the game on May 15, 2012.
Pre-order link (Regular Edition, English)
Pre-order link (Regular Edition, French)
Visit our Official Forum Thread:
Diablo III (PC Steelbook) (Future Shop Exclusive) [Canada]
Hey is there anyone out there from Canada that would be willing to pre-order Diablo 3 from futureshop.com for me? I really want the steelbook and cant order it bcs i live in the United States. Plz email me at [email protected] if you can help.