BSB Exclusive: Total Recall Future Shop Exclusive Steelbook is being released in Canada

BSB Exclusive News: our friends from Future Shop have informed us that Total Recall (2012) with Colin Farrell is getting a steelbook. Using the theatrical poster, they changed the hues to a nice, bold blue color and it’s an excellent representation of the film. It’s release date is Decemner 18th so make sure to get your orders placed.
For a factory worker named Douglas Quaid, even though he’s got a beautiful wife who he loves, the mind-trip sounds like the perfect vacation from his frustrating life – real memories of life as a super-spy might be just what he needs. But when the procedure goes horribly wrong, Quaid becomes a hunted man as he finds himself on the run from the police. — IMDb Plot: Total Recall (2012)
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Total Recall (2012) Blu-Ray Steelbook Canada