Alien: Resurrection Media Markt Exclusive Blu-ray SteelBook will be released in Germany

To finish up the Alien and predator releases from Media Markt, they are releasing Alien Resurrection on steelbook. It’s releasing on December 7th and at the time of posting, is priced at 12.90€ EUR or $16.35 USD. As always, Media Markt doesn’t Ship outside of Europe.
Plot: on a military research vessel in deep space, the company is looking to bring Ellen Ripley back and harvest her bio weapon that was inside her at her death. A group of space pirates has also made it on the ship to bring specimens for study but they all have to survive when something goes terribly wrong.
NOTE: this/these are stock poster(s) for visual reference and has no reflection on the final art.
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Alien Resurrection Blu-Ray Steelbook Germany