SILVER LININGS PLAYBOOK Blu-ray SteelBook is one of the newest announcements from Zavvi

SILVER LININGS PLAYBOOK, the amazing film by David O. Russell, is coming to Zavvi as a Blu-ray Steelbook. It will be a limited edition to 2,000 copies and, from the artwork at this time, it looks amazing. It stars Bradley Cooper and Jennifer Lawrence in a story about people that may not have it together but they’re working on it. it releases on October 19th, 2015 but check the official forum to get the most up to date info.
Release date: October 19th, 2015
Price: £15.99
Notes: Limited to 2,000 copies
Release date: October 19th, 2015
Purchase link: Silver Linings Playbook (live)
Price: £15.99
Notes: Limited to 2,000 copies.
Check out the Official Thread for the SILVER LININGS PLAYBOOK Blu-ray Steelbook from Zavvi